
Graphics is one of the technology subjects offered at Junior Cycle. In Graphics, students develop their creativity, spatial ability, and capacity to reason and communicate ideas through engagement with abstract and applied geometric problem-solving activities. Graphics encourages the development of the cognitive and practical dexterity skills associated with graphical communication. Students will explore the geometric world to gain an appreciation of the importance of graphics in the world around them. They will develop cognitive and practical skills such as graphical communication, design sketching, spatial visualisation, creative problem-solving, design capabilities and modelling, both physically and through the use of computer-aided design.

What will I learn in Graphics?

Some of the things you will learn include:

  • How to produce neat drawings using drawing equipment.
  • How to read and interpret drawings and diagrams.
  • How to represent products and design ideas through freehand sketching and 3D computer modelling.
  • How to use freehand sketching, colouring and shading to represent objects.
  • How to make paper/cardboard models to represent products and design ideas in 3-D.
  • How to work independently and as part of a group.
  • How graphics relate to the design and manufacture of products and the world around us.

Is Graphics anything like what I did in primary school?

In primary school, you will have learned lots of things in mathematics which will help you in studying Technical Graphics. For example, you will have learned about 2-D and 3-D shapes, lines and angles. In Visual Arts, you will have made drawings, experimented with lines, shapes, textures, patterns and tones. All of these previous learning experiences and skills will be helpful in Technical Graphics. However, your Technical Graphics teacher will start with the basic skills required and you will develop them throughout the coursework.

Will Graphics have anything to do with other subjects I will be studying?

Yes, Graphics will be very helpful in the study of Wood Technology, Technology, and Metalwork as each of these subjects require you to make drawings of the pieces you will be making. The problem solving and geometry you will learn in Graphics will prove very useful in Mathematics.

How will Graphics be useful to me?

Graphics helps you to think in a more logical and creative way. You will communicate information using diagrams and sketches. Graphics greatly compliments the other technology subjects and lead to careers in areas such as Architecture and Engineering.

What is the Junior Cycle Graphics assessment like?

The assessment of Graphics for the purposes of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) will comprise of:

  • Two CBAs in 2nd Year
  • Project (30%) / Final examination (70%)