
Open Evening 2019

We are delighted to confirm the date for our Open Evening this year is Thursday 26th September from 7pm-9pm. More details to follow shortly

Attention 3rd year parents

A letter went home to parents of exam students today, 9th April 2019 advising that the examination fees are due for payment and can be paid online. All Junior Cert  Students were given an information [...]

Summer Assessment Timetables 2019

Summer Assessments will take place from the 13th to the 17th of May 2019. Reports will be available on Friday the 7th of June. First and Second year students will be in their base classes [...]

Our 1st published student

Congratulations to Tadhg Shortall Curtin whose short story ‘The Hurts’ was published in The Irish Times. To read Tadhg’s story please press [ This Link ]

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