Incoming First Year – Change of Dates

Unfortunately, as restrictions are still in places for schools we cannot hold our annual incoming first year information session. Instead, we are currently putting together an information booklet and a series of videos for you to watch with your young person. This information will be shared with you shortly courtesy of our First YearYear Head for 2022, Ms Anna Whyte.

In the interim we want to make you aware of the following changes to previously advertised dates:

The assessment day for incoming first years will now be held Saturday April 30th 9.00am until 12 noon. This was originally planned for February 12th but we have decided to delay the date as COVID restrictions are still in place in schools but it is envisaged that this will change after the Easter / Spring break. These assessments are not tests or exams. The results are used to support students in their transition into secondary school and on their learning journey in Clonturk Community College. We do not want your child to feel stressed or worried about the assessment day. For parents of students with additional needs you can request to speak with a member of our Student Support Team by emailing .

We will hold a student open day Saturday May 28th (times to follow), in which students are invited to visit the school buildings and meet with staff. The Parent Guardian Teacher Association will be present on the day providing refreshments to parents and guardians.

We hope that there will be no further movement of these dates, but we will keep you informed should restrictions cause these dates to be rearranged.

In the interim if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us using this email address .

We want to thank you for choosing Clonturk Community College as the next step for your young person’s education.